dacarte3 said...
ChickenArise said...
It is my belief and Doug's that antibiotic use without the use of antifungals can lead to cancer.
Well this isn't really any breaking news.
Antibiotics don't directly cause cancer but when taken without gut protection (antifungals/probiotics) it can definitely create an environment in one's body that increases the chance of cancer.
We know most of the immune system is found in the gut. The immune system attacks and tries to neutralize rogue cells (sometimes these cells being cancerous). If the gut is destroyed and immune system weakened the body will have a difficult time doing this.
Not to mention the malnutrition that this environment can cause to the cells in your body, further increasing the chance of cancer.I know this is not news to many of us, but there are some people that are just starting this journey who lurk.
The post was more for the benefit of those to make an informed choice, rather than for a person like yourself, but it is good to hear from you as its been a while!
We make a choice at some point if we are going to use abx. You may be against it. I know I was. Look at me now!
When you feel close to desperation like I did, that may factor into the choices you make and you, not a doctor, are the one who makes that decision as they only facilitate that choice.
Ive known the risk for a while, but the lung pain got so bad that I made a last resort choice to use abx, but then again I am already on Fluconazole.
Maybe some will take this to heart and add an occasional antifungal to their abx regimen should they feel they must go this route.
The evidence is still mounting and as more is revealed the more Tullio Simoncini is appearing to be mostly correct.
He had poorly expressed analogies supporting his theory and is still considered a quack who lost his medical license by the medical community for his controversial view that all cancer is fungi.
I was skeptical at first but I now believe for all intent and purpose that he is mostly correct even though I agree with your analogy more than his.
Other than the fungi that have documented as directly linked to cancer, it still remains a controversial topic.