Posted 5/29/2017 6:27 PM (GMT -5)
First - you don't sound like an idiot. You are experiencing symptoms and don't know what is causing them.
Yes, bone pain is a symptom of lyme and co's. (Some attribute it to bartonella)
re: can you get lyme disease from your sister? I don't think it's known definitively if casual contact will transmit it.
Personally, I don't think it's passed on as easily as a common I don't know if sharing a drink would transmit.
But, there are members here who do believe that..and feel that kissing is one way to transmit from person to person, and is passed on casually.
But, you can still have gotten LD - even if not from your's all around us...ticks are everywhere...and we often don't see one...or feel one bite us.
...mosquitoes, fleas...etc. could be transmitting as well.
Have you thought about having an Igenex Lyme Western Blot Igm and IgG? It costs $210 - best bang for your buck in lyme testing.
---- you have more than psychosis - head pressure, bleeding in the ear, fatigue.
I think you should check out whether it is lyme disease causing all this.
Psychiatric issues are also a symptom of Lyme and co's.