It has been awhile since I have logged in, I figure I should jump on and give occasional update for Traveler and Girlie. Whoever else these updates may help.
I found a new LLMD much closer to me than my last. We did quite a workup for Lyme, Mold exposure, viral/bacteria co-infections, and even some heavy metal testing.
I have started a huge regiment of natural herbs/supplements based on many of these labs. I also started doing IV ozone and IV anti-viral mixtures with high dose of Vitamin C and soon will be doing the bionic treatment. All of these are quite expensive but so far seems worth it at this point.
I will say that with the IV ozone and IV anti-virals, my fatigue levels have dropped some. I feel a little more energy and even more awake, enough to actually get around to doing things. Ill update on how bionic treatments go.
Some of the newer related labs I recently had done are Armin Labs and Cyrex labs.
I hit positive on the following Armin Labs:
Borrelia b. Full Antigen (2 SI)
Borrelia b. OSP-Mix (2 SI)
Ehrlicha/Anaplasma EliSpot (3 SI)
Chlamydia Pneumonia-EliSpot (3 SI)
Cytomegalo Virus (5 SI)
Coxsackie-Virus IgG B1 IFT
Coxsackie-Virus IgA B1 IFT
Cyrex Labs Array 5 Multiple Autoimmune Reactivity Screen
Came out all green (in normal range)
I also had some Urine Porphyrins testing, which about
half hit in the yellow ranges and the rest green. My Urine Creatinine was in the red (high) on this lab.