Admittedly, I like investigating things that are "out there." Whether it's related to the pyramids, additional dimensions, or using our thoughts to help improve our health, the weirder it is, the more I like it. Maybe "reality" is just too dull for me? Or, perhaps it's just better to be distracted from my health challenges.
Anyway, it was about
eight months ago that I stumbled upon the following website:
The Superman Dietthesupermandiet.comThis site, in turn, led me to the following website:
The Detox Dudesthedetoxdudes.comI believe the guy from the first site (Alex) helped the guy from the second website (Josh) recover from mercury poisoning. The websites have changed a bit, from when I first read them, but I think that's how the two sites are related.
The titles of the websites really tell you nothing. If any of you are looking for something different - whether to engage with one of the guys or just reading for interest - then give them a look.
Here's a few bullet points I copied from Josh's (The Detox Dudes) website:
1. Heal the gut steadily throughout entire program
2. Kill parasites + candida
3. Chelate metals and other toxins
4. Implement Lyme/blood cleanse protocol
5. Replenish nutrients with superfoods and elixirs the entire way through
That's just to pique interest.
NOTE: I'm not affiliated with either person/website, have neither purchased their serviced nor followed their protocols, and I'm not necessarily encouraging anyone to do anything!