I was, but not anymore. Like many other things, they seemed to reach their level of effectiveness, and then tapered off; I felt like my healing had stopped.
Were the oils themselves to blame? Probably not. I've dealt with this many times. Huge herxes, minor improvements, and then nothing. They could still be doing something, but it's not the same. A gut instinct tells me they're not working as effectively as they were. It's just a layers of the onion thing, I feel. I'm not learned about
Lyme, MSIDS, like I should be, but there's a knowing that it's, obviously, a very complex, dynamic condition. The reason medicines aren't working is not them, or maybe it is their, but not in the sense that they don't have value, just that we ask a lot of them to "cure" TBI.
No one measure we take will give us total health back.
I still use them as adjuncts. DoTerra's On Guard and DDR Prime, and various others, here and there, for minor support (lavendar, oregano, garlic, and lemon). I'm considering using a drop or two of garlic to see how it'd fair at changing my gut situation on the long-term, but more research needs to be done.
My one concern, as a layperson, was that they're not soluble in water, correct? Throw a few drops into a glass of water, and they don't make a true mixture. But, as human beings, we're largely made up of water, right? Can they be wholly effective at reaching everything, because of that? Now, maybe their constituents are water soluble? Little bits and pieces of whatever's in them. don't know. Again, more research should be done.
Though, conclusion, EO's definitely have their place, just not the king of the castle imo. Truth be told, they saved my life. I started using essential oils at a time when my health was at its worst. I'm still in the woods, but I've managed to keep the severe brain inflammation at bay that was the driving factor in constant suicidal thoughts. I would sit and rub the back of my neck in bed, wanting to die.
Didn't make me healthy, but gave me legs to stand on again.
It's why I still use them, and probably always will. They do something, for sure.
Definitely use carrier oils, like the above user mentioned. Coconut, avocado, etc. A common ratio is 4:1 -- 4 drops carrier, 1 of your treatment oil, whatever you wanna call it. Some oils can really mess up your skin with long-term use. I'd caution against internal use. I tried it for awhile, and it just never felt clean, safe. Based solely on my gut-feelings about
Post Edited (NotQuiteAntonio) : 6/15/2017 11:45:29 AM (GMT-6)