Most definitely post your symptoms.
Also, did you have any testing? If so, what tests and what were the results.
And one more thing you can do - this questionnaire: these things done, we should be able to help you determine if you mostly likely only have anxiety or if you really do need to be concerned about
these infections. From what I remember about
your posts (we have so many members now!), you do have these infections - but it never hurts to double check.
The amount of stress it needs for the body to shut down is pretty high. I've been through that and ended up with Addison's (adrenals quit on me) and my adrenals took my thyroid down too. Then, while my body was in that weakened state, I had a tick attach and symptoms of Lyme and Bart start about
2 hours later. But before the tick attached, I had some anxiety(but not like Lyme and company gave me), I had really bad fatigue and some other symptoms - but again, it's not like what Lyme and company do to me.