I've now been on treatment for two months and am going back to my LLMD abroad next week. I just got my results for blood I sent down for testing prior to my appointment.
I am really concerned about
my immune system as my results are not good to say the least.
Natural killer cells absolute 27 /uL (60 - 700) Down from 50 last time
CD-57 positive NK-cells absolute 2 /uL (130 - 360) Up from 0 last time
My overall natural killer cells are going down. Do you know if this is normal during treatment?
Some of the bacteria results are looking better with lower immune response, but it's hard to know whether it's due to my body not being able to put up any defense with my poor immune function.
My overall condition is going up and down. Today I'm not good. I think a lot is much the same as before I started treatment. I don't think I'm herxing, just the same ups and downs as before
This post got a bit confusing, but that is how I feel. Anyone have any input?