Hi Chris,
Welcome to our community! I'm glad you found us.
I do agree with Girlie, and here is the link she mentioned:
www.lymenet.org/BurrGuide200810.pdf If you take the abx for a total of 6 - 8 weeks, the chances of the bacteria still causing issues is very low. If your symptoms return, that means that it's gone on to be chronic and you need more treatment - and that's where you would have to be in treatment until symptoms resolve + 6 - 8 weeks. The only chance people have to rid themselves of the bacteria is in the very early stages of the infection, during those first few weeks.
You will need to detox and eat a very healthy diet to avoid issues with Candida, and to help you get through treatments though. If you haven't yet, it would be helpful for you to start with reading through the thread at the top of the forum titled,"New to Lyme?...Start here!!", as it is packed full of important information, symptom lists, helpful links and pdf's, how to detox when one has these infections, information on probiotics and much more. And, here's another good place to find helpful detoxing routines:
No one knows for sure that you are still in the earliest of stages, but with your symptoms it's likely you are, and so we hope that this infection is being caught and treated early enough for you to be completely healed with what is a short course of treatment for the early infection.
If you have any questions or concerns though, please do ask!!!