TOOTY said...
bluelyme said...
You can see bart with giemsa stain via microscopy at 1000x pretty easy...galaxy labs and dna connexions maybne able to assist if you need confirmation
this tootys vid of bart attacking kete with phase contrast scope /
Boy, I haven't been on here in a while. Blue, you are SO correct about
it being easy to see in Giemsa at 1000x! Unfortunately, most people are not able or willing to take the plunge on a cheap microscope and some stain. Very easy to see when it's there, though, that's for sure. So is Babesia, but you usually have to really look for that one, since it can present as variations of the classic ringform and pyriform and can be hard to differentiate from platelets sometimes. Not to mention the fact that in chronic Babesiosis the number of organisms can be scant. That's been my experience with lab-verified Babesiosis patients.
Houytunia is very good for Bart. Woodland Essence is my preferred source.
Doxy and Azithromycin definitely hit it too, as does Alinia (in my experience).
i think iv silver and bvt and allicin , works on em too , thanks so much for the pic tooty was just looking for that for someone