Girlie said...
Hoagie said...
Will my current treatment hit Bartonella as well? See original post.
How long have you had symptoms?
The reason I ask, is generally Bartonella needs something 'more' than what you're taking (minocycline, Azithromycin plus Flagyl).
Rifampin or Rifabutin is standard (some take one of the Fluoroquinolones - but I wouldn't because of the black box warning)
Having said that, I do know a few people who treated their bartonella with a tetracycline (mino or doxy) with a macrolide (biaxin or azithromycin) and healed.
They were clinically diagnosed with who really knows for sure if they did indeed have bart.
And these people I'm referring to didn't have their infections for years - 'only' months.
The majority of people do need Rifampin/Rifabutin (or a fluoroquinolone)Symptoms started about
4 or so years ago. But, just recently put two and two together. As I stated in a separate thread, I was bit by a stray cat in 2012. Had to go to the Er due to swelling, pain, and a red line going up my left arm from the bite on my hand. Shortly after I developed back pain, muscle spasms in calves, and a chronic itch in my foot. They eventually went away. But, since starting the antibiotics for Lyme, they have come back with a vengeance. And I cannot walk very good.
I believe the tick bite last year really got the bart going and now have brain lesions, vision problems, mood swings, brain fog, migraines, gait disturbances, etc... The problem is that my bart test came back negative. However, if I got it 5 years ago, I am chronic. And we all know how difficult it can be to detect a chronic infection of this sort.
I was on Galaxy's website over the weekend. They have some stories of people who have been diagnosed and treated for bart after being misdiagnosed. Apparently, Galaxy is the premiere lab in the country for Bartonella testing. But, they are so expensive. And while my doctor does treat Lyme, he is not a traditional LLMD. He will not treat the bart since the test came back negative. I am thinking of getting an LLMD, but I shudder at the pricetag as the dr I am seeing now accepts me insurance. I have already ordered some Bart specific herbs referred on Buhner's website. But, who knows.... maybe I can talk my dr into adding Rifampin.