Yes, definitively afzelii.
I just remember myamotoii is also quite common!
Like with supplements, herbs, Rife, Violet Ray, light therapies... homeopathy is at the center of the target to be wiped out.
It's too popular, too good to be here, no side effects, less patients buy drugs, less patients go to doctors, too much self medication,, too inexpensive: it CANNOT be allowed to go on.
Every year, I can find less homeopathic products in the pharmacies all over Europe. Targeted first line are cancer and infectious disease treatments, such as nosodes.
12 years ago, I found Borrelia burgdorferi nosodes all over Europe, easily, no prescript
ion needed.
Today, I have to hunt for the same nosodes. Companies such as Staufen (big, traditional, old company, producing high quality homeopathic remedies) are closing their doors.
The Bionic 880 treatment of Dr. W (Germany) against lyme disease used Staufen nosodes: if anyone can still find these, they are only the ones left in stock here and there. Staufen closed its doors.
In Belgium, there used to be small pharmacies producing these: they are not allowed to sell them any longer, only through prescript
And even through prescript
ion, patients cannot find them in any pharmacy, but have to search on their own and luckily found the only couple of pharmacies who are still left, producing their own nosodes.
There used to be more big companies in Belgium selling nosodes. Now, all smaller companies were bought by one big corporation, that every one suspects, does not care for quality and probably is not using any real imprint any more.
Load of complaints of people, saying homeopathy does not work, but in fact, it is the active imprint that is not there anymore.
Before, you guys in the States could import our homeopathic remedies (10 years ago). Now, the laws here changed: homeopathy is considered placebo by most doctors and institutions, but it is classified as MEDICINE to export / import.
It means, it CANNOT be exported from Europe any more.
Nor imported anymore.
so anyone out of Europe cannot buy any homeopathic product from here, like before.
Customs can block the package.
A last big hit against homeopathy, is that now the law started to consider it also as medicine. So, for each product, they require expensive tests (that can go to 1 million euros, as far as I heard) for EACH substance.
So, take chamomile. If the company needs to prove that chamomile is inoffensive, it has to put from pocket 100,000 to 1 million euros and do all test that big pharma drugs do, so that one day, chamomile will be allowed to be used as a homeopathic remedy.
That specific law marks the end of homeopathy in Germany. Homeopathy is so inexpensive to buy, that companies producing these remedies cannot afford that amount of money for each substance they use. There are literally hundreds to thousands of substances used in homeopathy.
that is THE reason big and serious companies like Staufen closed its doors. The media is not talking about
that, but that specific law already killed homeopathy here in Germany.
Now, next years, other European countries will follow. You can write that, you don't need to be Nostradamus to know.
Well, I can still tell you more and more, but homeopathy is being targeted , slowly but surely, the same way that our herbs and supplements are being targeted.
The lobbying actions against alternative treatments or supplements + herbs + homeopathy are not brutal in order to avoid public reaction.
their strategy is to do one action after another, slowly, but surely. Attacking our supplements and herbs slowly, but surely, every year, one more problem, less substances, more laws.
But I'm 50, and I've been using homeopathy for more than 30 years. They can't fool me.
Post Edited (Jinna) : 8/27/2017 7:16:36 AM (GMT-6)