Posted 9/11/2017 6:30 PM (GMT -5)
Thanks for your posts and good wishes. In answer to your question walkingbyfaith I've been treating babesia but my doctor suspects bartonella is an issue too. I've had headaches on and off for many years, but they were very different and would go away with a strong pain med (MRI showed a couple bulging discs in my neck) when I was pregnant a little over 6 years ago my headaches stopped. In 2015 before I knew what was wrong with me an alternative practionner told me my atlas was off and that could cause all sorts of symptoms (headaches were not any where near the top of my list of symptoms at the time). She sent me to a non force chiropractor and he did a very simple pain free adjustment. I left feeling a little weird, then 2 hours later I went into what seemed like shock! I was madly shaking, super dizzy and nauseous! Then 2 days later pain set in for 3 months solid in my head and neck! A pain specialist at Stanford thinks the chiropractor injured my occipital nerve. The pain was re aggravated with a massage and then another time with cupping. The best way I could describe it was like I had this poison in my body and these things stirred it up! The head/neck pain lessened for almost a year (with small flares) then in the fall of 2016 I did something really stupid! I saw a lady who seemed to know a lot about Lyme and she also did a lot of facial rejuvenation, I was feeling I'd aged so much with all I was going through and she said let's do a little bit of dysport between your eyes (like Botox)! I was very concerned but she said it is totally safe! So I did it and it sent me back into that shock and severe pain!! After 3 months of intense pain it again went away for a few months only to come back out of no where and that's when I saw the dentist (in April of this year) since my tooth also hurt on occasion and he said it was infected! My llmd was very concerned about me getting it pulled due to my reaction to things in the past so we tried to do different things to see if it would clear up (antibiotics and different natural remedies). This time headaches lasted a month only to return for another month about 6 weeks later!! That brings us to now! I had about a month of no headaches (or at least not constant headaches) before I had it pulled and 2 days later pain kicked back in again like my poison has been stirred! I don't know if this all goes back to what the chiropractor did or if it's the Lyme and co-infections, I was hopeful getting the infected tooth out would help. My dentist looked at the area today and said it is healing nicely but he imagines the nerves are still quite inflamed and is hoping that once they heal my headaches will go away (what a dream come true that would be). I just feel drained beyond belief the pain is so taxing and I have no clue how long it will last! I have a bottle of both amitryptiline and ganapentin, both of them I have never tried since I am scared of the side effects and just hoping that somehow the pain will again stop like it has in the past! I've tried Cbd and I've tried baclofen (muscle relaxer), aleve, Tylenol and every natural pain supplement including homeopathic remedies and nothing comes close to touching the pain! Sorry to write such a very long message! Thanks for reading it! Any input or words of advice would be wonderful!