Mojkce said...
I suspect we may have the same Dr. in Chapel hill. I just called there the other day to schedule my next appointment and was told that she was not in and would not be for some time due to her issues. Great doctor and really understands what we are going through but I am unsure how long she will be unavailable. I am doing ok for now but don't like not have a Dr. available. I had to stop seeing my regular PCP just before I started seeing the LLMD as they don't take Lyme seriously. So I have no one right now till she comes back whenever that it. I would also love to know who else is good around here. I do know of a LLMD neurologist in Fayetteville but don't really want to drive that far if I don't have to. I heard mixed things about the one Dr. who has a clinic here in Raleigh. I hesitate to go there.
I go to the neuro in Fay. He does treat Lyme and co infections, but I don't believe he is ILIADS trained. He has 2 other doctors that work with him. One of them actually has Lyme and that is my doc. They started me out on the Jemsek protocol and will run me on that for 6 months and reevaluate from there.
Good thing about
this neuro is that he accepts my insurance.