Hi jordanmichael -
I agree with Hoagie - a positive IGeneX Western Blot is like the holy grail - and pretty darn accurate. A negative WB is not accurate - the system set those tests up for high false-negative rates. It can get a little confusing.
So, we normally recommend people who have a positive IGeneX WB AND symptoms, to treat - regardless of any other test results.
I had a CDC-positive IGeneX when I first started treating and took a DNAConnections test a few months ago, and it was negative across the board - for the other Co-infections I have positive tests for as well. My LLND was shocked because most of the DNAConnections tests they've administered have been pretty accurate. And I know others here have had reliable results.
The two sx you mention are also common with yeast/fungal overgrowth, which has many overlapping sx as Lyme & Co so that is something else to look into. Untreated y/f overgrowth can really interfere with treating Lyme & Co and can cause GI damage, which also can interfere with treatment and immune function. You can learn more here:
Y/FO post in the "New to Lyme?" thread:
www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=30&m=1606610&g=3644275#m3644275Hope this is helpful -