open book!
Ever since I was initially infected 20 yrs ago, whenever I get run down or go off antiviral Rx, I get the SAME group of sx: stuffy sinuses/sometimes pain, post nasal drip that triggers nausea, sore throat, ear ache, achey, cranky, fatigued, swollen nodes... and almost never a fever. Although I do often go through a process with being shivering cold, then I break out in a sweat - just like you would with a fever. My temp is generally 97.7
This time, my arms are also shakey/weak.
Every other episode before now I also had air hunger/tightness in chest and sometimes a rattle in my breathing but I haven't had this sx since the episode I describe below.
At the end of Dec I thought I was bringing my abx tx to a close and started hitting biofilms. I overdosed on Beyond Balance BFM-1 and crashed hard with more severe version of sx listed above-turned-bronchitis and sinusitis. Took about
a month to recover, then tried small dose of BFM-1, crashed again but a little less dramatically. Recovered for 3 wks and tried a little higher dose BFM-1, crashed again moderately ----this cycle went on for 3 months until I fully recovered and maintained optimal dose of BFM01 for another 4 months...
I had an abnormal breast thermography a few wks ago ($%#$@^% - waiting for more tests) and was told to stop milk thistle seed, an estrogen mimicker (actually, I think this applies only to milk thistle plant, not the seed). So I also stopped antiviral med since it needs the liver support and thought this would be a good opportunity to try weaning off the antiviral Rx.
But like every other time I've tried this, a few days after stopping the antiviral Rx I start to feel run down w/ the sx above.
Quiz questions:
Why are these sx so easily addressed with viral meds?
Virus hiding out in the biofilm?
What kinda virus creates these sx?
Bonus question:
I've long suspected Babesia is the cause of the bronchitis-like sx due to the air hunger and I am responive to A-bab but can't get a positive test. Suggestions?
Post Edited (Pirouette) : 10/18/2017 6:41:38 PM (GMT-6)