Georgia Hunter said...
The Dude Abides said...
Georgia Hunter said...
I hope you feel better soon. If I could, I would help you. My knowledge base just isn't broad enough. For that I apologize.
Anytime someone has an issue with their Adam's apple, I think it's protozoal. Your symptoms are just like mine were a few years ago.
Georgia Hunter,
Thank you, sir. I always appreciate feedback from your brilliant mind. Would you mind sharing how you addressed the issue?
I have six tablets of Vermox/Mebendazole that came all the way from a pharmacy in Auckland, New Zealand, but I never took them. It seems that's for worms, anyway. I guess it wouldn't hurt to take them.
A couple of years ago, a friend and co-worker noted that, when I did call-out sick for work, it was always the day before, day of, or day after a full moon. I'm not sure if that would signify a specific parasite.
The Dude
p.s. 3:43 AM! I sure hope your sleep improves soon!
I go to sleep very early and get my 5 hours in. If I do it that way, I sleep for 5, read for a couple, and can go back to sleep for a couple. Everything that I have ever used for sleep that has worked has faded off over a couple of days to a couple of weeks. Most people that I talk to think I am normal and I possibly am, but I'm a perfectionist and I know I am not what I was.
If my thoughts are correct, the Vermox will help kill what is causing your issues. Six may not be enough, but we may have a FL1953/Funnelliformis mosseae type issue, or something close to it.Georgia,
Again, I thank you for the nuggets you're sharing with me. I need to look into the matter more closely. You consistently help a lot of people by answering questions and pointing them in new directions.
As for your sleep, I'm not sure it's "normal." It may be common, but, of course, it's also common for people to eat terribly, be in poor health, and take multiple prescript
ions (no offense
). So, I think society tries to normalize being sick. But, that's just my opinion.
Somehow, I had already imagined you to be a perfectionist. I imagine you as being what Joseph Cohen at
/ might be like in another 25 years.
Be well,
The Dude