Weak positive is still positive. I would think the Armin test is like the Igenex test in that your body's immune system response to the bacteria can dictate a low to high result.
A strong positive for Babesia will also indicate you have other infections. Whatever gave you Babesia, most likely gave you some others(s) - lyme, and or bart...etc.
You do know you have Babesia - so why would you question pursuing treatment?
Treat Babesia first....and see what your response is.....with Babesia meds, you are also tackling Lyme.
The Bartonella marks can be any are of the body and yes, can be lighter red. (i'm not sure about
silver color)
I did a search on the forum - Here's a thread from this forum discussing the color. One of our Veteran members/Moderator - posted they can be colorless (not red)