WalkingbyFaith said...
Cholestyramine, according to Shoemaker, is good for binding all mycotoxins and borellia toxins. If you don't want to spend the money on the test, then the best way to cover your bases would be:
1). See if your doc will prescribe cholestyramine. Pure is best but pricey.
2). Spend $300 on a Mycometrics mold test to test your home for current mold exposure. If you work or spend a lot of time outside the home, you will need to test that environment, too.
3). Another test you should consider is the HLA-DR genetic test, which insurance may cover. Mine did.
I am going to see if I can get the cholestyramine from India as I have no health insurance. Thanks.
Lapis, yes the Morgellons complicated things but it is under control after the antihelmintic protocol. Much of these symptoms have vanished in my case. Only the grains of sand my body still ejects from time to time match Morgellons, but they are much fewer in number and occurrence. My skin will still eject a UV florescent powdery like substance from time to time but this is also minimal and not uncomfortable.
The true test will be when I stop Fluconazole as the last time I stopped it, symptoms got bad.
Thanks for all of the good input everyone!
k07 said...
Yes, I get a lot of improvement with MCP too. Recently upped to twice a day and feeling a bit better.
Which one(s) is MCP supposed to be effective against?
I was told Red Raspberry leaves are effective for mold and I have taken them daily for a couple months but don't find these effective in any noticeable way.
I have recently begun Bentonite clay.