Posted 10/29/2017 1:05 PM (GMT -5)
I have not had any trouble traveling with supplements out of containers.
I went from us to antigua over the summer. Last summer I traveled from eastern us to california, then the next day to maui. Five days later to Kauai, then reversed the trip.
I have my insulin(liquid) in its original vials, I carry several vials, plus my insulin pump attached to my body. Plus about 40 syringes that were empty, just in case my pump failed I had a way to take insulin. In addition to that I have all the supplies for my pump (needles, inserters) and also on my body is a glucose sensor which is an inch long plastic and metal contraption with a wire catheter in my body. I carry all the supplies that I need for that which is extra sensors.
I had all of my prescription medicines separated in the weekly pill container. So each section for each day was full of all kinds of prescription meds. Then I had my supplements in another weekly know the ones with the days of the week, which i filled with the days supplements. Then I had my Probiotics in a frio bag to keep them cold, but they also were not in the original containers but in little pill containers in the frio bag.
I carry all this in my carry on luggage. I have never ever been stopped with it. I am not carrying iv bags though.
A few years ago I traveled to europe. Same set up. I was only stopped once in barcelona on the leg home. I was pulled aside randomly and taken to another area of the airport with about 15 others from my flight. The immigration agent pulled my insulin pump off my body in a very aggressive manner, I guess she didn't know what it was. Which is odd because every tsa agent I have ever encountered knows exactly what my pump is and doesn't bat an eye except to test my hands for explosives and as I walk through the xray or scanner I hold it up in my hands so it is visible and then I know to just wait at the other side for the hand swipe). When she grabbed the pump and pulled it off I shrieked because well that was very intrusive and painful. She also dumped my supplies out of my backpack and was horrified by what she saw. I do not speak spanish and she did not speak english. She called over another agent and it was all a fear on her part and they let me go on the flight with a ton of apology. No problem from me...we are all trying to be safe here.
That was the only time I had ever had anyone ever blink with my many medical supplies and contraptions attached to my body. I am usually waved right through without another glance at all my needles and pills and vials.
I wouldn't worry about getting on an airplane with your pills. They don't even look at that stuff. If anything you have is liquid I would carry it in its original container stating what it is, and if you are nervous about that carry a note from your doctor explaining you have a medical condition and the liquid is a part of your treatment (they don't need to know what that diagnosis is as that is none of their business).
I wouldn't worry about traveling with your stuff at all. Relax about it, the stress of traveling can set things off with this nasty disease.