Hello, I am feeling so incredibly awful today, like I've been hit by a semi truck
My 6 year old has been sick so I don't know if I'm herxing, having a flare or maybe getting sick too! Maybe it's a combination...super!! I started taking a supplement called the Candida cleanse since I can't get rid of this yeast infection or angular cheilitis. Some of the ingredients are: Oregano leaf, caprylic acid, aloe vera, arabinogalactan(50mg), anise seed(50mg), black walnut hulls (50mg), wormwood leaf powder (50mg) and reishi mushroom (25mg). I realize some of these can also kill Lyme but I wasn't sure if the amount was enough to do that. If you have any knowledge on these herbs I'd love to hear. I wish we had some type of bell or something that would signal if we were having a herx or not (maybe not a bell since that would be hard with headaches!!!). I always feel if I'm herxing then that's a good thing, if I'm in a flare not so much!!