Hi Eldonkey -
I think what you're describing is likely an active yeast/fungus overgrowth, possibly complicated by undertreated Lyme.
First - the y/f overgrowth:
Here is a ton of info on diagnosing, symptoms, treatment
Y/FO post in the "New to Lyme?" thread:
www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=30&m=1606610&g=3644275#m3644275So, your LLMD was able to diagnose you based on a rash? The sx you're describing aren't real indicative of Lyme. But the rash could be (not all Lyme rashes are the perfect bull's-eye type rash, but if it was, that is almost definitive for Lyme). The tests are only 50% accurate and band 41 doesn't tell you much, unless the rash is a Lyme rash.
It's good that you're seeing an LLMD but 100mg of doxy once a day is half the recommended dose and not advisable - you don't want to grow resistance. You're better off doubling it or stopping the abx and start on herbs or an alternative therapy.
Honestly, you likely won't know the answer to your question (what is causing the current sx) until you get on a restricted diet and get treatment for yeast/fungus underway. I think that will do a lot to reduce if not eliminate your sx. And only then will it be MUCH easier to evaluate the remaining symptoms and figure out next steps in treatment.
Hope this is helpful -