Hi Neurrotic - Welcome to our community.
I'm so sorry you are having these neurological symptoms...
I need to ask you what you're doing for detox? A lot of the symptoms we experience are from the toxins -that are created from the die-off of the bacteria - which happens from treatment, as well as the natural life-cycle of the bacteria.
Detoxing - is really important to help your body flush these toxins out.
Some things you can start right away if you haven't already - to support your body and help with detox:
- Make sure you are drinking lots of water - everyday - minimum 8 glasses.
- Take probiotics - for your gut health
- Take a good liver supplement.
Every few days, you can add in another detox....gradually building up until you are doing multiple methods daily.
Some ideas:
- Taking a binder - eg. Activated Charcoal (this must be taken a couple hours away from food, supplements, antibiotics...and anything else that you don't want flushed out with it.
- Take warm epsom salt baths. At first only stay in for a couple of minutes.
- Dry brush your skin prior to baths or showers.
- Brain detox - 1) Nutramedix Pinella and Burbur or 2) Jernigan's - Neuro-AntitoxII -CNS/PNS
Here's a website with more ideas:
www.tiredoflyme.com/detox-methods.htmlDid you notice a worsening since starting the antibiotic treatment? That would be because of the overload of toxins - called a herxheimer reaction.
The detoxing helps reduce that...
Also, if the symptoms get too bad, you should consider stopping the abx for a day or two to let your body catch up.
A discussion with your LLMD about
this is also a good idea.
Are you having difficulty with sleeping?