Tsak11 said...
So I went through the Lyme battle and came out on the other side. After and early diagnosis and 3.5 months of IV Rocephin, my C6 test which my LLMD who has been doing this for decades swears by came back negative. Wooohooo!!! 0.90 and below is negative for any sign of Lyme and I was 0.12. Now... A lot of symptoms have gone. Even one's that resembled Bart and Babs however, before meeting my LLMD I was treating with the dreaded infectious disease and my PCP. Neither believed in probiotics, neither recommended gall bladder protection while on Rocephin, and neither mentioned detox. So without saying I'm sure I have built up stuff. So this is my question, no Lyme but still have pain-tension and weakness in my quads, inflamed spinal nerve that gives me symptoms resembling sciatica, and mild to moderate pain in my one foot (arch and heel). My anxiety through all this has been over the top really and I'm still having trouble calming it down even with a negative test and it's because of these lingering symptoms. So, is it pushing through continuous detoxing and gut health and/or pushing through the discomfort exercise brings that can push those toxins out and break up fibrous tissues OR could this be a co like Bart? I'm obsessed. I feel like I'm so close to baseline so wanted everyones opinions on what I need to do, your experiences, and what you think it may be?? Hope all is well. Side note... I've had the co-infection conversation with my LLMD and he says he doesn't think my complaints resemble any.
Great that you have made good progress..BUT, I don't agree with the 0.90 C6 test determining that you are in remission.
And...if you still have symptoms - pain/weakness in quads, inflamed spinal nerve symptoms, foot pain, and anxiety...that sounds like active infection to me.
Possibly bart and/or babesia .