Happy new year fellow warriors. "Our hope is not in the new year, but in the One who makes all things new."
It's been a few weeks since I got my test results. I had been waiting for this moment for so long! I was crying and laughing at the same time when I reviewed the paper... For two years I had been aware of me possibly having Lyme (three years of constant symptoms), but it was not sure, I didn't feel confident enough, nobody agreed to help me... but now my hope is renewed... Please take a look at these test results. I know what they mean, but if there is something more specific, some detailed info, some personal experiences or opinions that could help me understand even better, that would be wonderful. I'd like to make the most out of these expensive tests... There are lots of little things whose meaning I don't know, e.g.
what does it mean when one's CD57 positive NK-cells HEPARIN (not the absolute count only) is below the range? Also do you think these results are reliable?
Lymeland is a mad place... I have been suffering so much, so so so much that I will never be able to explain it... yet now when I've got some "positive" answers, I feel like it's hard to believe. My symptoms are mostly weird neurological stuff, I'd like to tell them but it would make this post veeery long, haha... If you can, there's another thread where I tell about
my situation ( https://www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=30&p=1&m=3948794#ttop ), but keep in mind that's not all, that's just a basic overview...
And of course if someone has any advice regarding treatment, that would be appreciated. I'd like to know very much which is the right order for action, what path to follow, where to go etc... but yes, I know there are no definite answers for those questions... But it would help if someone had ANY IDEA which of these infections could be "the most important"? 24/7 head symptoms are my main thing. Thank you.
LYMESPOT REVISEDBorrelia burgd. fully antigen 9 + SI < 2
Borrelia peptid mix IF-G** 0 SI < 2
Borrelia LFA-1 IF-G** 0 SI < 2
Borrelia IF-G review
The LymeSpot-revised Test indicates Interferon-gamma (IF-G) active T- Lymphocytes against Borrelia.Borr. burgd. fully antigen IL-2** 2 + SI < 2
Borrelia peptid mix IL-2** 1 SI < 2
Borrelia LFA-1 IL-2** 1 SI < 2
Borrelia IL-2 review
The LymeSpot-revised Test indicates borderline Interleukin-2 (IL-2) active T- Lymphocytes against Borrelia. LymeSpot revised review If Interferon gamma is the predominant cytokine: The cytokine INF-Gamma (IF-G) is released predominate in an acute or reactivated state, but may also indicate a chronic infection. Further laboratory parameters such as the presence of IgM antibodies for an acute stage or IgG antibodies for late stage of Lyme disease have to be considered. In addition, the CD57 count, if decreased may indicate a chronic stage of disease. The clinical signs and and symptoms have also to be taken into account for the diagnosis of tick borne diseases. For Borrelia, the erythema migrant is a highly specific sign for an acute stage infection and Acrodermatitis chronicum atrophicans (ACA) for a late stage condition. However, medical history as assessed by a physician is essential, considering all differentials including other infectious and non-infectious diseases. During acute Lyme disease, an organism targeting therapy might be indicated based on the clinical symptoms and medical history.
(Hinweis Elispot / Lyme Spot !
SI <0-1=neg. 2-4=borderline >4=pos.)
IMMUNE STATUSCD-57 positive NK-Cells Heparin 1 - % 2 - 77CD-57 positive NK-Cells absolute 38 - /μl 130 - 360Heparin
CD 57 FLOW CYTOMETRYNatural Killer Cells Heparin 7 % 6 - 29
Natural Killer Cells absolute 214 /μl 60 - 700
Review CD57
The CD57-cell-count indicates an immune-suppressive situation. CD57 NK cell count is considered as an additional parameter in chronic Lyme disease. The decrease is not specific for chronic Lyme disease, other co-infections may also been associatied with low CD57 count. Non-infectious immune diseases may also be associated with low CD57 count. Elevated counts may be associated with blood cell disorders. For the diagnosis of Lyme disease, other parameters such as the LymeSpot assay or serology have to be considered. Clinical evaluation and medical history as assessed by an experienced physician is essential for the diagnosis of the disease.
BARTONELLA ELISPOTBartonella henselae Elispot** 28 + SI < 2Test result Bartonella henselae: The Elispot indicates cellular activity against Bartonella henselae.BABESIA MICROTI ELISPOTBabesia microti Elispot** ** 18 + SI < 2Test result Babesia microti: The Elispot indicates cellular activity against Babesia microti.MYCOPLASMA PNEUMONIAE ELISPOTMykoplasma pneu. Elispot** ** 30 + SI < 2Test result Mycoplasma pneumoniae: The Elispot indicates cellular activity against mycoplasma pneumoniae.CYTOMEGALO-VIRUS ELISPOTCytomegalo Virus Elispot 6 + SI < 2Test result Cytomegalovirus: The Elispot indicates cellular activity against Cytomegalo-Virus.CLINICAL CHEMISTRYLeucocytes ** 5.1 tsd/μl 4.0 - 10
Erthrocytes ** 4.8 mill./μl 3.9 - 5.2
Hemoglobin ** 14 g/dl 11 - 16
Hematocrit ** 41 % 34 - 45
MCV ** 87 fl 79 - 95
MCH** 29 pg 26 - 32
MCHC** 33 g/dl 32 - 36
Thrombocytes** 200 tsd/μl 200 - 400
Neutroph. Granulocytes** 33 - % 34 - 71Lymphocytes** 57 + % 19 - 52Monocytes** 7.1 % 4.7 - 13
Eosin. Granulocytes** 2.6 % 0.7 - 5.8
Basoph. Granulocytes** 0.6 % 0.1 - 1.2
Post Edited (Eaglet) : 12/31/2017 6:59:00 PM (GMT-7)