/drbeckycampbell.com/how-stress-can-cause-weight-gain-fatigue-sleeplessness-and-more/"Cortisol is a powerful anti-inflammatory steroid. When someone has chronic inflammation, his or her body will signal the HPA axis to secrete more cortisol in order to decrease the inflammation...............
How Do We Support the HPA Axis?
Supporting the HPA axis is extremely important in chronic disease management. It is important to understand that you must support the central nervous system, the adrenal glands and the way in which cortisol signaling functions within the tissue. This is achieved by removing as many known stressors as possible. In addition:
Stay away from inflammatory foods like gluten, sugar, grains and dairy
Avoid food sensitivities and allergies
Get tested and treated for any infections like SIBO, yeast overgrowth etc. that may be causing stress on the body."