Welcome Thomasjaye and I am so sorry you suspect lyme.
I remember very well the overwhelming symptoms and research and research. Just about
the time I would research one symptom, it would have moved to another spot. It was frustrating and it definitely filled me with anxiety.
You are so not alone. Sadly there is no way I can alleviate your fears completely. Just know that I am healed from lyme and so is my husband, so you can do this.
You are very fortunate to have caught it early. However, it has been my experience that "regular" doctors do not know much about
how to treat lyme disease. They will look it up and see what the CDC says to do and that "may not" be sufficient.
I say may not because a girlfriend of mine proved me wrong on this with her simple course of doxy.
My opinion, as a caring-been-there-lyme-patient, is you really need a doctor that has studied about
lyme and the courses of treatment. This is called a Lyme Literate Medical Doctor -- LLMD.
Here are some sites I used to help me find mine. And when I found one, I asked all kinds of questions before going there.
Good luck and I highly suggest you keep coming here. First of all there is lots of experience and information here, secondly, you will find like minded people that understand.
/sites.google.com/site/lymedoctors//globallymealliance.org/education-awareness/find-medical-professional/ilads.org/ilads_media/physician-referral//www.lymediseaseassociation.org/ -- Go to Dr. Referral tab
If you would rather do herbs