So been feeling pretty well for a while now, even went to the gym 4 times last week, then added berberine to my regimen and took 2 the first day, 2 the second, but on day 2 I woke up with EXTREME fatigue. I felt terrible, could hardly get through the work day. Also had a slight numbing/tingly feeling in my left leg above my knee, outside quad the last two nights. This is a new symptom for me.
My question is, could just a couple of berberine set me off that bad and could it cause a numbing/tingling in my leg?? Is this a normal lyme symptom? I don't know if it's the berberine or just a bad flare set off by maybe overdoing it on the exercise or stress from work, etc.
It left me feeling a bit depressed because I was doing so well. Have been resting after work yesterday and today/taking epsom baths and activated charcoal and haven't taken any oil of oregano/berberine/anti virals of any sort. Just multi vitamin and turmeric as my inflammation has been really bad as well. I am going to take some MSM tomorrow as when I used to take that it seemed to help with inflammation/eye pain that I have that is now back. Feeling hopeless that life will never be normal again. Fine one day then BAM, it's back