Posted Today 11:32 AM (GMT -5)
I realize these are not lyme questions, however, some here might have some good pointers on this.
Background: Fine tuning my body/repairing. Lyme is no longer an issue. Had leaky gut / digestion issues for years- as we know this can lead to lack of nutritional absorption. Still correcting energy and muscle health apparently affected from several lyme related issues over the years..
My thoughts/ramblings: The whole B12, iron and folate thing can be so confusing, misleading ect that you dont know what to believe. So I'm asking you here, if anyone knows this really well. This is important to figure out. My inner cell (Spectra Cell test) B12 was in the middle range. My B6 will soar from cheap vitamins as they wont absorb - must be genes as my gut feels great this last year.
**Can Anemia be seen/detected on standard yearly (free with insc) "physical" blood tests????**
Nutritional points I have noticed while mostly eating Palio diet (cave man natural diet):
1)I feel more energetic/clear thinking and less sore with more protein. I could never be vegan. How do they survive?? My body and brain needs and thrives from protein, no question about it. And some say we dont need it? WTH?
2)I feel better by taking my "high end/quality" multi-vit in the *evening* and lunch time (more than I need for some reason!!!). This makes no sense as my gut feels healthy now- it should absorb properly.
3)I feel better (brain and body) from the circulation heavy exercise provides. Less AM brain fog next day. Do I have an oxygen/circulation issue?
Mayo clinic: " Some anemia's, such as iron deficiency anemia or vitamin B-12 deficiency, are common"
My muscles feel way better after DMSO applied topically. This improves circulation at the cell level in muscles- breaks down fibrin, scar tissue, moves free radicals. But, I should not need this. My body wont do this on its own for some reason, its weird. Maybe just to much of a build up for my body to fix/clean up on its own, I dont know.
Note: My "fitness chemistry/composition" is excellent for my age (even compared to people 25 years younger). Just want to feel like it (brain and body), covering all the bases. Life is obviously shorter past 50.