Lapis_29 said...
well i tried watching these
the guys yammer on and on and on and on....
and never really says anything. I think he just want you to buy some products or something? I cant tell.
its like 7 hours of this. What is his point exactly?
Yet another reason I like Lapis_29!
I felt the same way. In fact, originally, I was going to list some other domains associated with Jonathan Otto:, the following health-related domains are registered to Jonathan (:
autoimmunediseaseexposed.comautoimmuneonslaught.combiblehealthfilms.combiblicalhealthfilms.comdiseasereversals.comweightlossexposed.comAs are the following:
anora.meanoraotto.combalidetoxretreat.comdiseasereversals.comdumatuaretreat.comemotionalstoryselling.comfinetunebd.comhanqiu.mejc-cartographics.comjonotto.mekapsiteservices.comprerender-cloud-on-cloudflare-2.usprerender-cloud-on-cloudflare.usthehighwaymen.comtibetcookschool.orgxuehua.meWhen reviewing the Privacy Policy of the domain, the registered address is a mail-forwarding service in Wyoming. So, there's no physical building/company. It's akin to something like a UPS Store.
Personally, I've grown tired of the many "Summits" purporting to reveal some long-lost, secret knowledge that's been "hidden" from the public, because "They" want to either keep us sick or kill us. Of course, these ancient secrets can all be yours, for the low, low cost of either $147 or $247.
That's why I found and posted the link to watch/download them for free. I've previously done so with other online programs, too. I feel like it's a public service, so people don't have to spend the money and then discover the information is either bogus or not helpful. If they DO like it, however, they can then choose to purchase the material and support the creators/participants.