skitoro said...
I read the information for new members and even looked at some of the LLMD docs. Frankly I wasn't very impressed that most of the LLMDs don't take insurance. To me this is a red flag that their work may not be verifiable and supportable. Too much snake oil for me.
I am interested in hearing what people do to supplement their treatment but it appears this forum may not be the right place for me.
I do understand that some people need different treatments and possibly need combinations of treatments but the science does show mono therapies do work.
Sorry to be so blunt but I've had good luck with my Doctor who has a good reputation for treating Lyme. There does seem to be a lack of science and I do believe some supplemental treatments do help but I'm not giving up on my current doctor yet as I've mostly been free for symptoms for many months and I'm back on the road to feeling well again.
No, they don't take insurance because they get hassled for treating patients with lyme long-term...and with multiple antibiotics. it's not snake oil. I know many people who are in remission by treating with abx.
Monotherapy (antibiotic) does often work when the infection is caught early - as in the first several weeks before it becomes chronic.
If you don't choose abx to treat that is your decision...many do. But, if you do choose the antibiotic should be with a LL Dr.
This forum supports members who choose not to go the antibiotic route. But, I so suggest you do a protocol to treat lyme and co's. - one that has shown success with people.
Magnesium/diet isn't enough. I haven't seen any science to back up magnesium and diet for lyme treatment.
I'm glad you are back on the road to feeling well...
There is a lot of support here...and I hope you do stick around.
Are you doing much for detoxing?