Toshter said...
Hello everyone,
Long story short, I believe I have been infected with Bartonella and possibly Lyme for about 20 years undiagnosed. I finally ran into a forum post talking about the scratch marks I've researched for years and for the first time someone suggested Bartonella.
I can't help but be worried about the length of time I've had this. It explains so much of what I've been seeing over the years. Everyone would write off the scratches as anxiety, bone pain as growing pains when I was young, rashes as dermatitis, cysts as harmless. At this point I'm experiencing psychological symptoms.Does anyone have any recommendations for a doctor in or around MN that is not opposed to a holistic approach?
Hi Toshter, welcome to our community.
I'm sorry you have had undiagnosed Bartonella for 20 years....but I am glad you found us here.
I do have some names of LLMD's in Minnesota. Send me an email and I will look through them and send you some options. I do have a few of ND's listed as well.
We do encourage all new members read through the information contained in the thread: "New To Lyme?..Start Here" It's packed full of useful information.