Psilociraptor said...
Thanks for the insight girlie. I do know that that's an option, but I hate those masks. Can't ever breath. Couldn't imagine wearing one day in and day out for the entire season. Does your husband have symptomatic Lyme? Or just a positive test?
So, in 2014 when I got the positive test result and I was yakking about
lyme...he casually mentioned: "Remember that bullseye rash I had on my shin several years ago? I took a picture of it? A perfect bullseye"
I had no recollection. We can't find the picture as it's most likely on one of the old hard drives from one of our old computers....which he most likely encrypted and lost the password.
Not worth the work to try and find it.
He then tested IND = bands 41 and 31 on the WB through Igenex and then did the Epitope test and was positive.
Does he have symptoms? Nothing that screams lyme...but some anomalies over the years.
He's a rough an tumble guy and just pushes through.
Early in our marriage, he went through a phase of chronic fatigue. I remember because he was in a tennis tournament...and he made it to the finals...he came home and crashed for an hour...and was still very tired, but played the game (and won)...but at that time he had dark circles under his eyes.
He (and I) blamed it on the shift work (graveyards) and working 12 hour shifts.
He's always been a poor sleeper. We had a deal whenever we went away for a weekend and stayed in a hotel - if he got up early - he was to quietly slip out and go for coffee and not wake me up...because he ALWAYS was awake around 5:00 or 6:00 no matter what time we went to bed.
At home it's fine...he just leaves the room and goes downstairs to watch t.v.
Then a few years ago, he had some swollen glands - around the neck area...and was found to be hypothyroid. So, was put on meds for that.
That was prior to me getting sick.
The exposure was there. He was always in the bushes growing up. He had a dirt bike and said he was usually covered in bugs after every ride.
What are his symptoms now? Still poor sleep - uses melatonin to get by.
He has to 'mess' with his thyroid meds in order for them to work properly. (splits them up throughout the day)
He claims he can't eat during the day or he starts to sweat. So dinner is often his only meal of the day.
So, basically things are manageable for him...for now...He's waiting for me to go back to work before he case he can't work through treatment.