Mind body spirit said...
I highly reccomend taking 1 oz of apple cider vinegar in a cup of water 1-2 x per day. I do mine upon waking with herbs and follow with 32oz ozone water.
I feel it neutralizes some of the horrible feelings I have when the ammonia released from the die off of bacteria.
For even more potent version make fire cider: add fresh grated; turmeric, ginger, garlic, onion, hot pepper, horse radish. Some of the most potent natural antibiotics, anti inflammatories.
Or make thieves oil: adding Thyme, oregano, rosemary etc.
I will have to try this
Fire Cider and
Thieves Oil. Thanks for this! This is the sort of information that makes me super curious about
history again...so interesting! Apparently I had been working up to this very "recipe" without knowing what it should be called, the crude concoction of which would be simply lemon juice, cayenne, and garlic the fresher most newly minced or grated the better.
I had a 1/8 lime juice and zest and a tiny earlobe of ginger rolled up in a leave of green cabbage today, wonder what that would be called...