eat_more_veggies said...
astroman, I am sure you're on top of all of this, but just a heads up: a friend of mine did a 72 hour water-only (and electrolytes, salts, etc.) fast recently. When he reintroduced food he had ~2 days of severe diarrhea! Nightmare. Whilst it likely doesn't affect everyone, it seems to be a thing:
I asked him what he'd change should he do it again and he said he'd break the fast initially with liquid calories (fruit juice, or a light smoothie) and ease back in to food. But this may be something you want to look into before embarking on an extended fast.
I suppose it makes a difference what bacteria is there and how hungry they are. I used anti-candidia tincture too. Seems like a good idea to take advantage of an empty gut by taking anti- yeast supps while they are also starving. I did that and my gut feels better.