Aerose91 said...
Antihistamines have done next to nothing for me. The only thing that has helped ever so slightly is inositol. Still, Dr M says i need a lot more mast cell stabilization so they are going to put me on the most intensive protocol; dexamethasone, ritalin and another drug i forgot. I get the intense confusion, rage and paranoia, too. Eating is a big culprit but nothing effects me more than my environment. A hot, humid day with pollen and I'm hallucinating out of my mind and waking up in the woods that night due to night terrors. MCAS sucks
I'm doing ok on the bartonella abx (clarithromycin and rifampin) but after 4 months there has been no improvement. I can't tolerate a single Buhner herb anymore so i can't try to add anything
Yeah, that’s what is tricky about
mcas. Mast cells don’t just release histamine, but other chemical mediators as well. So it’s not too surprising antihistamines are not working. You have to find which chemicals your mast cells are leaking, then go from there.