Thanks mpost four your suggestions! Thanks missouri and notime4lyme! I already contacted Dr Armin Schwarzbach, he advised me to fill out an initial testing for lyme and coinfections. He recommended to get the follwing tests : Borrelia-Elispot + CD57 cells
2. Chlamydia pneumoniae-Antikörper + Chlamydia pneumoniae-Elispot
3. EBV-Antibodies + EBV-Elispot + CMV-Elispot + CMV-Antibodies + HSV1/2-Antibodies+ HSV1/2-Elispot
I already talked to a doctor who is well knowledged about
Pandas/Pans. He recommended me to get titres against lyme, chlamydia, bartonella, mycoplasmae, HSV, syphillis, measles, mumps. Furthermore IGG, igA,igM,igG, FSME, alpha level. Already checked ASO titer which came back very normal which was disappointing. My theory was that I had Pandas caused by strep in early childhood. And yes, I had lots of strep exposures. But as I dived deeper, I found out low ASO titres dont mean much. Furthmore, I guess the use of antibiotics brought it down anyway? I have used antibiotics in all those years a few times, most of the time for just a few days, max 10-14 days. Suffered from severe Pharyngitis and later on had a myocarditis. Was treated with antibiotics. Don't really know if my condition improved.
I am utterly confused at the moment as they are so many tests and possibilites to rule out. My very early onset of OCD, separation anxiety, tics points indeed towards Pandas. Could it be Pans, triggered by lyme? Again, I lean towards the strep exposure side. Who knows?
I just don't buy the idea that all of this i just psychiatric. Sorry for all the rambling, but can you guys push me towards any direction? Isn't the band 39 positive weird? After all, could it be a false positive? Ive read that this band is so lyme specific that some say if this one is positive you have lyme? ("There are nine known [Lyme] Borrelia burgdorferi species specific Western Blot antibodies (bands): 18, 23, 31, 34, 37, 39, 83 and 93.Only one of these Borrelia burgdorferi genus specific bands is needed to confirm that there is lab evidence of exposure to the Borrelia burgdorferi spirochete and can confirm a clinical diagnosis of Lyme disease.") Sorry for all the rambling, hope you make it through it. I didn't expect lyme at all because i don't really have had significatn joint pain, severe headache, swelling or fever.
Post Edited (Saschaaa) : 4/26/2018 5:26:03 PM (GMT-6)