Posted 4/28/2018 11:58 PM (GMT -5)
I'm a year into my treatment and up until recently have felt as if all my symptoms but tachycardia are gone. However--I've been super stressed dealing with the end of a 5 year relationship, and the past two nights have have woke to numb hands, something which I haven't had in months. Then, tonight as I was sitting on the couch eating an orange, I had a dizzy spell which freaked me out because that was what I experienced a year ago when i had the many episodes in one week which sent me to the ER. Back then, I started out feeling dizzy and had blurry vision, then thought I was going to faint while my heartrate went crazy. So far tonight I just had the dizziness. I immediately went to the kitchen and took some burbur-pinella, hoping I won't experience anything worse.
Can stress bring back symptoms?