Clinical evaluation of Morgellons disease in a cohort of North American patients
Published: 2018-04-24"
Of 1000 seropositive LD patients, 60 (6%) were diagnosed with MD. Of these 60 patients, 75% were female and 78% presented in the late disseminated stage of MD.
All 60 patients (100%) were seropositive for B. burgdorferi infection. . Tickborne coinfections in these patients included Babesia spp (62%), Bartonella and Rickettsia (25% each), Ehrlichia (15%) and Anaplasma (10%). Helicobacter pylori was detected in 12% of MD patients. In all, 77% of MD patients had one or more coinfections.This study confirms recent findings that MD occurs in a limited subset of LD patients. The clinical and genetic determinants of MD in LD patients require further study."
Full PDF: Edited (mpost) : 5/1/2018 4:28:06 AM (GMT-6)