Hey Spoonies this is a great reminder for me to drink lemon water more often.
Thanks for the links goshawk!
Lets me know I need to drink this lemon-water to get my ph levels to 7.
I needed the extra rest and detox today to recuperate from cleaning a bedroom yesterday. ( lol I know it's pathetic to be so fatigued from only this but par for the course when you have CFS, ME, MSIDS or whatever Lyme du jour you call it).
Still have kidney pain and this vascular tension like pain in my armpits though.
If I had more supply of Alka Seltzer gold i would use it interchangeably with lemon water as they both restore ph levels to more healthy alkaline state.
Telling my self to get out from under the weather, hope you Spoonies well.
And Donjr those bizarre symptoms I'm sorry you suffer with those but it doesn't surprise me with Babesia and Bartonella horror stories. It sounds like your body is overrun with a few different baddies and compromising your immune system to boot and let other ailments take hold (like CMV, EBV, candida etc) which is the usual case with this crappy complex of diseases.
And btw just my opinion don't bother with lemon concentrate! Get fresh lemons! They're cheap, lemons are like 25-30¢ each most places and you get all that aromatherapy and wonderful terpenes in lemon peel along with them.
Yes Rikky1 ticks you're right modern ticks have more co infections fer sure almost always infected with 2-3 or more, with some saying the Co's often worse than plain old crummy bB.
Post Edited (borrelioburgdorferii) : 6/2/2018 3:33:34 PM (GMT-6)