Girlie said...
Hi anna, welcome to our community.
Sorry you're having these symptoms...but glad you found your way here.
Our hormones can be affected by Lyme disease and vice versa.
I don't know if your issues are because of lyme...but it's certainly a possibility.
When I all of a sudden got strange symptoms in 2013, my periods stopped at the same time.
I had almost no estrogen. My regular Dr. gave me the 'bioidentical' estrogen/prometrium treatment.
After two weeks on that - my symptoms went crazy. That's when i started getting the internal vibrations...
I stopped the hormone replacement...but the vibrations didn't stop.
It seemed to 'kick up' my lyme symptoms (that I didn't know were lyme at the time)
I also didn't have a bullseye rash, or flu like symptoms.
Your Dr. is quite knowledgeable - considering she isn't a LLMD.
Igenex specializes in testing tick-borne's a more sensitive test and they test for more strains of LD.
It's possible that you could also get a negative with Igenex but still have lyme. The WB is dependent on your body producing the antibodies...which sometimes won't - if the immune system has been suppressed from lyme disease.
Many people with lyme do get a positive ANA.
Thank you for your response and the welcome. If you don't mind me asking, what were some of the first strange symptoms you remember having back in 2013? Did they get worse as time went on or generally stay the same?
It is definitely interesting that hormones can affect Lyme like that. Maybe, if I do have it, something with that birth control triggered my symptoms to flare up? I don't know, just a thought.
My doctor is not an LLMD, but she says she has seen and tested for many many cases of Lyme disease and then referred those who either tested positive or who she truly believes were Lyme cases to a LLMD in our area.
I'm wondering though, if I do test negative for Lyme on the Igenex, would a doctor treat me for Lyme anyway or do I need that positive test result in order to get onto antibiotics? How have you been feeling? Do you still experience symptoms today after having been treated for Lyme disease?
Thank you again for taking the time to respond to my post. This is all knew to me, and although I may not even have it...I just want to know more about
Lyme disease in case I do.