Noah2112 said...
Hey all! My LLMD and I decided to swap me off some of the antibiotics I was on last night for the severe stomach issues they were causing me. So we dropped Cefdinir and Azithromycin (Azithromycin also because it may have been causing the heart palpitations I was having, but who knows). Anyway, not I'm on Minocycline (100mg twice a day) and Rifampin (150mg twice a day). I'm also on Banderol and Samento, a handful of supplements including a biofilm buster or two, and of course our trusty probiotics.
We've had to back off on some of the heavier hitting antibiotics since they were starting to make me feel worse than I was without them. My question is how does my new protocol look? I'm treating for Bart and Lyme. I know Rifampin on its own may not be enough against the bart, but for the next few weeks that's all I'm going to be taking for it on the antibiotic side of things. Do you think I'll have to add something else in soon? Or could this be enough? I guess I'll have to wait and see how I feel. Thanks for the input!
Rifampin on it's're right isn't a good idea....but you're also on Minocycline...that is a good 'duo' for bart treatment.
However - your dose of Rifampin is low. I started out that low...but it was increased to 300 twice daily.
So, maybe have a discussion with your LLMD about
the Riffy dosage...and are the plans to raise it soon.