"2-4 weeks before using probiotics, you must create an environment for the friendly bacteria to grow"
I didn't know this. Maybe this can help someone struggling with probiotics.
I read this in Dr. Jernigan's post and made a summary of it.
davidjernigan.blogspot.com/2016/08/preparing-body-for-probiotic-success_2.htmlMy Summary of "Preparing the Body for Probiotic Success Against Disease"
2-4 weeks before using probiotics, you must create an environment for the friendly bacteria to grow.
At a Glance
1 and 2.
Clear parasites, mold and fungal overgrowth:
Parafree soft gels from Young Living Oils, Inc.
A. Test your stomach's HCL (details below)
B. If low stomach HCL, you need to take Betaine Hydrochloride, as in Hypo-D by NutriWest, Inc
C. Don't drink or limit drinking while eating
4. Do coffee enemas, every other day for at least 1 week (not decaf)
5. Use non-toxic products in your home and on your body, like Seventh Generation
1. Clear parasites -
Strongyloides can sometimes reach hyperinfection numbers. They are about
the size of a grain of rice. They live in the lining of the small intestines, called the intestinal crypts. They clog the lining and eat and block absorption of your nutrients. They are common in chronic illness.
If you have never been treated for parasites, then you can and should assume that you have parasites.
Anti-parasitic herbs: Wormwood, Black Walnut extract, and clove
Herb combinations: Artemisiacom, Paracom, Parafree
Most effective: Parafree soft gels from Young Living Oils, Inc
ParaFree can immediately kill the bad guys on contact, while having zero toxicity to healthy tissue.
2. Clear Mold and Fungal Overgrowth
Mold and fungi are the most deadly fighters in your body. They secrete toxins that will kill your probiotic before it can even fire a shot.
Recommended: Parafree soft gels
Parafree contains many of the most effective anti-fungal essential oils, such as Melaleuca alternifolia, Acotea, and Thyme vulgarism oil.
3. Your Stomach's Hydrochloric Acid (HCL)
A. Test your stomach's Hydrochloric Acid and maintain it
HCL is the strongest acid in the world. It is your 1st line of defense
to prevent bad bacteria, parasites, mold from gaining access to your intestines. To perform this test: mix one quarter teaspoon of baking soda in eight ounces of cold water, first thing in the morning, before eating or drinking anything except water. Drink the baking soda solution. Time how long it takes to belch. Time up to five minutes. If you have not belched within five minutes stop timing anyway. The Heidelberg or Gastrocap tests can be employed for confirmation of the results of this test. http://www.drdebe.com/self-tests/stomach-acid-assessment
B. If you have low stomach acid, you need to take Betaine Hydrochloride, at health food stores. Favorite supplement for this is Hypo-D by Nutriwest. It contains Betaine HCL with Ox Bile (especially needed in people with liver/gallbladder trouble or who don't have a gallbladder. Your liver produces bile which is held in a sack that is your gallbladder. Bile is important to break down fats from your food and oils into smaller, usable pieces. If you have liver/gallbladder trouble, you are not breaking down the fats, which leads to promoting bad bacteria.
C. Drinking fluids while eating dilutes and weakens the stomach acid. If
stomach is weak, it cannot kill microbes that hitch a ride into your body on the food you are eating.
Low stomach acid is called hypochlorhydria. It is a serious problem that can be caused by eating processed foods, GMO foods and from medications. All are known to cause gastric inflammation leading to chronic bacterial infections.
What to do about
your stomach acid:
a. test your stomach's HCL
b. if low stomach HCL, you need to take Betaine Hydrochloride, as in Hypo-D by NutriWest, Inc.
c. don't drink or limit drinking while eating
4. Get rid of accumulated sludge from your liver, gallbladder, and intestines. Research shows that most people have pounds of putrified matter stuck in their intestines even with daily bowel movements.
Recommended: S.A. Wilson's Gold-roasted coffee enemas for 1 week, every other day http://sawilsons.com/library/basic-coffee-enema-procedure-and-recipe/
5. Eliminate toxins in your home, including cleaners, personal care products, laundry detergents and softeners, dishwasher pods, air fresheners, perfumes/colognes, basically anything that you wouldn't eat, you shouldn't use on your skin or breathe. Replace them with the wide range of safer products now available, such as those sold by Seventh Generation, Inc.
Your body and environment are now better prepared for you to begin using probiotic supplements successfully.
Post Edited (gerdy) : 6/30/2018 9:37:18 PM (GMT-6)