LilaJ said...
My heart is going mad
What do l do
I'm plain scared at this and want out
This is not invidivle
It's ravaging me
My limbs burning and eyes too
Is late stage Bart treatable please? Had exithromycin and doxy but only short term for both
Feels it's taking over .
Can I try doxy now? :
Lila - I'm so sorry you are scared.
Yes, late stage bart is treatable. I am treating a late stage bart...and i have gotten rid of many symptoms....and you can do the same. But, you have to can be a long road.
The burning nerve pain is horrid...I have that too.
What helps me the most is warm (NOT HOT) epsom salt baths. I also put a couple drops of lavender oil and I just relax in the tub for about
10 minutes.
Do you have a LL Dr. ? or is it a regular dr treating you.
Rifampin is something you might need to try.