Girlie said...
Solaris719 said...
Next Friday the 13th would have marked my 9th month on abx conswcutively save for a week break here and there. I treated Lyme (Doxy/Zith/tinda) for 4 months, babesia (mepron/Zith x 1 month, coartem/Zith/Doxy x 2 months), and then Bart Mino/Rifampin x 2 months. I will lost a more detailed thread later today on my
Journey/results, but I am off oral abx as of Tues 7/3 and wanted to know what others experienced when stopping. I would imagine after being on for a long time there are going to be some bumpy moments as the immune system kicks in, Candida die off, etc. I’m fairly nervous about this (even though I’ll be taking bicilin injections for 10 weeks starting tonight and starting herbs soon) and wanted to others to be so kind as to share experiences and what to possibly expect as I make the leap.
Have you thought about
weaning off allow your immune system to kick in?
Gradually increasing your time off and lessening your time on?I kinda ended up doing that due to the side effects. After the first 3 weeks I took 2 days off, then 2 weeks onnagain, then 2 days off, then 1 week on, then 5 days off, then 2 weeks on (at decreased dosage), now off since last dose on Tuesday morning. I don’t know how long a break is enough for immune system to kick in but I am just hoping the fatigue etc I an experiencing are either side effects of rif/Mino or the immune system coming back and not the Bart or something else having a comeback party. I got my bicilin Injection Friday afternoon so that should address any Lyme spirochetes lurking, and I started the Artemisia on Wed and the JK I took 5 drops before bed last night.
How have others done the abx weaning? Is there a general consensus on how long to go between abx doses if you are pulsing and want the immune system to kick in or draw out any hiding bugs? (I know some don2 weeks on then 2 weeks off). Anyone have experience with bicilin and how long it takes for them to have an effect/if any (im not expecting it to cause a herx but you never know).