Donjr said...
Actually if your muscles are real fatiqued your ast and alt will be high and some doctors will think you have hepatitis it is even on cdc website that muscle disease can raise ast/alt and make it look like hep. So keep that in mind how is your muscles feeling? Did you walk a lot? Workout? Etc
Wow!!!! I'd never heard this before. Maybe this explains what keeps happening to me. I've taken abx 3 times in the last 1.5 years (7 days each time). Then after I'm done wirh it, I start getting worse muscle fatigue to the point it gets debilitating. Takes months to recover. No one has been able to tell me why.
I just took abx again 2 weeks ago. I don't have insurance anymore, so I can't even get tested to see what my levels are now.
That's good to know, though.
So if someone does have increased muscle fatigue, what do you do about