Hello. I love this website and all its wonderful resources. Thanks to the creator and all the posters. I came across the post by Legolas (link below)
and was very very interested in doing a series on homemade Colloidal silver IV's on myself cause I have been suffering from a Klebsiella Pneumonae infection for the past 12 years and nothing has been able to get rid of it yet. I absolutely cant afford clinical IV treatments. They are extremely expensive, which is a real pity, especially for those poor or middle-class people out there suffering like me.
I have scored the internet and have learnt what it takes to do a IV at home by self, and all of its dangers and precautions that need to be taken. So I am well aware of those things.
The only problem is that I am unable to find sources to obtain the IV bags for cheap. I found a very cheap source where I could purchase a case of 5% dextrose 1000ml bags (14 in a case) for about
31$ excluding shipping. (link below)
That was the cheapest I could find, but I'm not sure if they require a doctors licence to purchase those IV bags. I have contacted them and will know in a day or two.
Does someone know of a cheap source like the above where I would not need a doctors licence or a RX to purchase those IV bags? Please help.
Post Edited (Alcross008) : 7/26/2018 6:21:51 PM (GMT-6)