Healing98 said...
These types of lawsuits are the reason why doctors refuse to go against the guidelines of the CDC. Each time they do, such as LLMDs, they risk liability and losing their license.
Medicine is not an exact science and doctors have very few tools to come up with a diagnosis, so it is up to the doctor and his experience/knowledge to come up with a proper diagnosis. When you think about it, modern medicine didn't start until the 1940's, right after the second world war. It is in its infancy, at least compared to Chines Medicine that has been around for thousands of years.
I think that the only cases where we could win would be if there is verifiable negligence on the part of the doctor where he willfully acted recklessly or against medical standards.
From the statement above, you can see that in theory we could sue every Lyme doctor that goes against CDC guidelines. If us Lymies started suing doctors, there would not be any more LLMDs to help us out or any that would be willing to take chances in losing their medical licenses to treat us.
I think you are misunderstanding my question. It wasn't lawsuits again the LLMDS treating lyme patients...I'm talking about
the NON-LLMD negligent/lazy doctors who prematurely diagnose you with anxiety or psychosomatic illness or refuse to run tests on you just because it doesn't "clinically" make sense until you get really sick...with lots of damage financially, physically, and emotionally.