Posted 8/4/2018 12:15 AM (GMT -5)
Even after 16 months treatment i still have certain symps that persist but I feel there were days last year where i had 50%-60% function......i was so happy, felt i was on path back to normal or at least my new normal.
In January i feel I caught a bug and it took weeks to kinda recover. But I have been unwell since then with some 30%-40% function. More symps. I have been slowly declining. Had a few weeks in may where I thought I was finally getting better but since serious decline. Saw llmd a week ago. The week since I have crashed. At times thinking I need to goto er but reminding myself that would be a waste of time, money, and `energy` I don't have. This almost feels like her. Mind you I was one that did not have many herxes, it depended in the abx (if memory serves minocycline was the worst).
The only things we added were licorice root and cortisol manager to try and get sleep under control again(back to night instead of day). I find it ridiculous that I'm asking but anyone feel I'll, like her symps when taking these? I also added d3k2 a couple days ago but I was declining before that.
This is scary how I'll I feel, once again like someone beating me with baseball bat. I hurt every where. Increased level of hurt, mostly bedridden, really off balanced when walk, nausea, pain in joints, severe fatigue...yada yadavyou know the drill
After all these years I did not expect this kind, level of failure again. I am confused