Notime4lyme said...
I keep changing my mind on stuff really often, which I think is unusual for me. I'll decide to do something, decide not to do it, and then change my mind again. I also have times where I'm almost hyperfocused and times where I do almost nothing. It occurs randomly, though.
I can relate to all that, too.
I should clarify what I said about
procrastination. That was mainly a problem for any task that felt overwhelming to me (meaning it didn't come easily or naturally to me) or that I knew would take long periods of focused effort.
In the job that I excelled in, most of my tasks took shorter periods of focused effort. I think the more relaxed structure at this job in contrast to the rigid structure of elementary through high school is what made a significant difference for me. And the fact that I liked my job and wanted to be there and do well.