Hi guys...
hope things are great/ ok with you all.
So I go through periods of major symptoms then barley any symptoms off and on many years. As of late, I've been treating herbally and was mostly symptom free ( for a couple months maybe- wish I could read all my previous posts for a timeline ) ... up until this may, when I had an increase in symproms , specifically : sore throat/ anxiety/ and depression...
Well I was researching and came across an old post of mine from the same time last year regarding the same set of symptoms..( seasonal???)
So then... I go out of town ( my house) and spent two months in another state visiting family. Staying in a different house... all my symptoms went away and I unintentionally stopped my herbs. Ran out / no symptoms...
So I was about
to post a question to y'all about
" should I restart treatment if no symptoms" type of question. I was symptom free. Feeling that good.
Then upon return to my wet, humid, moldy ( on some shelves, plus black spots on wood that I always suspected could be back mold) and SUPER musty smelling wood cabin.. upon return after cleaning and being here for about
seven days I start to feel brain fog creeping in. Now it's definitely foggy up in my head and it comes and goes... my eyes are irritated and my throat was sore/ is sore with swollen glands and I have had a strange upper left side chest pain( btwn collarbone and sternum..)
Now in my fog world with nowhere to turn I'm thinking this house is part of my problem( along with Lyme and company) ... I'm also second guessing it , like why is no one else majorly effected and maybe I did have one fatigue day on my two month get away , but I definitely didn't think oh I better get back on my herbs . I was feeling fine.
So I guess I'm just hoping to jog someone's expieriences or knowledge to reconfirm that I need to move and pretty quickly. Not that I can.
But I think there is a correlation here. Right?
I'm kinda stuck and half the day feel like crap again.
Any thoughts if your reading ? . Sorry so long.
Post Edited (Lightlife) : 8/22/2018 8:57:19 PM (GMT-6)